After finishing his education in the University of Limerick, Ireland – Kevin’s passion for data science was cemented. Focusing primarily on data analytics and modelling, he went on to spend the first years of his career working at a biopharmaceutical company, where he led the data team on multiple products. Since moving to Seattle with his Washington native wife, Kevin has spent his spare time enjoying the beautiful PNW and playing ‘hurling’, an ancient gaelic field sport with the Seattle Gaels. He now leads the Data Science team at ProCogia as the Director of Data Solutions – where he works with clients from Biotech to Telecom.
December 2, 2020
As business and organizational needs expand, a centralized ecosystem such as the cloud is needed to securely store and access data, conduct analyses, and share results.
November 24, 2020
A joint webinar with RStudio and ProCogia