
Session Summary:

Increasing quantity and types of available data and the need for more advance analyses are outpacing current tools in environmental science. R allows us to efficiently manipulate and analyze complex data; however, taking the first leap from a current workflow to automation can be challenging. This talk will focus on how to advocate for automation in a team with diverse skillsets. We’ll start with examples of small changes that can be made using {officer} and {openxlsx} to meet your team members where they are by presenting results in a manner familiar to them; and finish by presenting a case study of how we used R to automate software from a regulatory agency.

Talk materials are available at

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02:10 PM to 02:30 PM

Potomac C

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Hannah Podzorski

GSI Environmental

Hannah Podzorski is a hydrologist currently working as an environmental consultant. She specializes in quantitative analysis and visualization of complex environmental data for a variety of projects and clients. She develops both static and interactive visuals, including {Shiny} apps, to promote innovation, help with decision making and improve communication between team members, clients, and the public.