Emily Riederer

Emily Riederer is an Analytics Manager at Capital One. Emily leads a team that is focused on building internal analytical tools and data products, including a suite of R packages and Shiny apps, and cultivating an innersource community of practice for analysts. Emily is an active member of the R community. In 2019, she co-organized satRday Chicago and the Chicago R unconference. You can find her {projmgr} R package on CRAN and her blog at emilyriederer.netlify.com. Previously, Emily earned degrees in Mathematics and Statistics at UNC Chapel Hill and worked as a research assistant in emergency department simulation and optimization.

rstudio::global 2021

oRganization: How to make internal R packages part of your team

January 21, 2021

How do you move your organization from individual internal packages to a coherent internal ecosystem?

rstudio::conf 2020

RMarkdown Driven Development

January 31, 2020

RMarkdown enables analysts to engage with code interactively, embrace literate programming, and rapidly produce a wide variety of high-quality data products such as documents, emails, dashboards...