Nathaniel is a decision and data scientist with a passion for inspiring, enabling, and supporting others to make insightful data-driven decisions. An avid R fanatic, he has taught university level R courses for 5+ years, written several R packages such as FFTrees, written an introductory e-book on R titled “YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R”, presented at R conferences such as R/Medicine and useR!, and co-founded an R focused data science start-up “The R Bootcamp” in Basel, Switzerland.
Currently, he works as a Senior Data Scientist in Roche Personalised Health Care where he develops and applies R solutions to data science questions using electronic health records data.
Outside of R, Nathaniel is mostly known for his love of hot sauce, his passion for patient-focused healthcare, and for turning into a pile of goo when he sees a baby animal.
January 30, 2020
FlatironKitchen: How we overhauled a Frankensteinian SQL workflow with the Tidyverse to enable fast, reproducible, elegant analyses of electronic health records.