January 25, 2019
Package sf (simple feature) and ggplot2::geom_sf have caused a fast uptake of tidy spatial data analysis by data scientists. Important spatial data science challenges are not handled by...
January 25, 2019
Time series can be frustrating to work with, particularly when processing raw data into model-ready data. This work presents two new packages that address a gap in existing methodology for...
January 24, 2019
Categorical data, called “factor” data in R, presents unique challenges in data wrangling. R users often look down at tools like Excel for automatically coercing variables to incorrect datatypes, but
January 24, 2019
While teaching a course using "R for Data Science", I wrote a complete set of solutions to its exercises and posted them on GitHub. Then other people started finding them. And now I'm here.
January 23, 2019
Come on a journey through pull request #2196. What started as a seemingly simple fix for a bug in ggplot2's box plots developed into an entirely new placement algorithm for ggplot2 geoms.