rstudio::conf 2017 talks
This “first” rstudio::conf held amid the alligator infested walk ways of the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando, Florida featured the wizardry of the RStudio tool chain. The tidyverse approach to doing data science with R, and reproducible research via RMarkdown, Shiny and RStudio Connect were major themes that tied together many of the workshops and talks. In addition to the RStudio team led by J.J. Allaire, Joe Cheng, Hadley WIckham, Winston Chang and Yihui Xie, featured speakers from the R Community included Jenny Bryan, Max Kuhn, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Hilary Parker, Bryan Lewis, Ryan Hafen, Julia Silge, Charlotte Wickham and Bob Rudis. Keynotes included Andrew Flowers (Economics Writer for FiveThirtyEight): Finding and Telling Stories with R and Hadley Wickham: Data Science in the Tidyverse.
On Friday, the magic continued late into the night as nearly all of the four hundred conference attendees enjoyed having Universal Studio’s The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park to themselves.