Shiny Developer Conference 2016 talks
The 2016 Shiny Developer Conference held at Stanford University on January 30th and 31st 2016 has passed into the realm of legend. The conference sold out before most people knew it would happen, and only fifty or so Shiny devotees attended the event. Shiny creator Joe Cheng led the event but there were also talks by Jonathan McPerson, Hadley Wickham, Stephanie Locke, Dean Attali, Andrew Clark, Ian Little, Vincent Nijis, Sev Ross, Mika B, Ricardo Bion, Andrzej Oles, Nan Xiao, Jordan Meyer, Eric Hare, Ming Shan, Ben Best and Julie Lowndes, and Harlan Harris.
If you ever run into someone who was there ask them to tell you what happened and take notes. The best record we have is a blog post from VP Nagraj, it's a pretty good account of some of the key technology that was discussed, but as far as what the event was really like, the 2016 Shiny Developer Conference is right up there with the first Grateful Dead Concert.