R4DS online learning community Improvements to self-taught data science & the critical need for diversity, equity, and inclusion

The first iteration of the R4DS Online Learning Community was created as an online space for learners and mentors to gather and work through the "R for Data Science" text in a collaborative and...

R4DS online learning community Improvements to self-taught data science & the critical need for diversity, equity, and inclusion

January 25, 2019

The first iteration of the R4DS Online Learning Community was created as an online space for learners and mentors to gather and work through the "R for Data Science" text in a collaborative and supportive environment. The creation of this group was inspired by my own success in transitioning to a career in data science coupled with the resources that I wanted to see in the R programming space. This talk will go through the learnings of creating an online learning space focused on R programming for data science, and how future iterations of similar groups can more proactively center on bringing about diversity, equity, and inclusion to data science spaces.

About the speaker

Molecular biologist turned public school teacher who eventually fell in love with non-profit data science. Harvard SDP, Datanaut, and perpetual #rstats noob.