R in Pharma: Intro to Shiny

In this introduction to Shiny app development, we begin with a quick review of visualization with `ggplot2` and then cover core concepts in app structure and reactive programming.

R in Pharma: Intro to Shiny

January 19, 2021

In this introduction to Shiny app development, we begin with a quick review of visualization with {ggplot2} and then cover core concepts in app structure and reactive programming. After building several Shiny apps of increasing complexity, we wrap up with a demonstration of how to include your Shiny app in a dashboard using the {flexdashboard} package.

Learn more about rstudio::global(2021) X-Sessions.

Thank you to ProCogia for sponsoring the R in Pharma X-Session.

About the speaker

Mike is a Data Science Consultant with ProCogia, with a background in Biostatistics and experience in clinical trial design and public health research. If not geeking out on data with a cup of coffee and spreading his passion for R, he’s probably out enjoying the outdoors.