Theming Shiny and RMarkdown with {thematic} & {bslib}

This presentation covers the basics of how {bslib} & {thematic} can be used to consistently style all the components of a shiny app at once.

Theming Shiny and RMarkdown with {thematic} & {bslib}

January 21, 2021

This presentation covers the basics of how `bslib` + `thematic` can be used to consistently style all the components of a shiny app at once.

Learn more about rstudio::global(2021) X-Sessions.

Thank you to Appsilon for sponsoring the Mastering Shiny: from Development to Deployment X-Session.

About the speakers

Thomas is the Customer Enablement Lead at RStudio, helping RStudio’s customers be as successful as possible. He is deeply involved in the global data science community, sharing tips on RStats Twitter (find him at @thomas_mock), as co-founder of TidyTuesday, a weekly Data Science learning challenge, and presenting on various Data Science topics on YouTube or at conferences.

Shannon is on RStudio’s Customer Success team working with teams across the Life Sciences and Healthcare. In her free time, she likes to bake, hang out with her dogs, and explore new hobbies.