Hiring Great Data Science Teams

In addition to the right tools and technical approach to data science, it is critical to focus on finding and retaining the right people. This panel webinar brings together data scientists with experience building teams for a diverse set of organizations. They'll discuss how hiring is central to building a productive, effective, and collaborative data science team.

Hiring Great Data Science Teams

January 1, 0001

Premiered October 12, 2021 12-1PM EST on YouTube Live.

What you’ll learn:

At RStudio, we believe open source, code-first data science frameworks based on R and Python, centralized on-prem or in the cloud for ease of collaboration, sharing and administration, help data science teams be successful. However, finding and retaining the right people is just as key for building a productive, effective, and collaborative data science team.

In this panel webinar, you will hear from leaders at RStudio, Boeing, Pandora, Beam Dental, & Amwell, about what it takes to hire for a successful data science team:

  • Their experiences and perspective on hiring to build great data science teams
  • How their teams prioritizes skills and experience in new positions
  • How they think about skill assessment
  • Their advice to data scientists just getting started

About the speakers

Manager of Advanced Analytics at Beam Dental

VP of Analytics at Amwell

Director of Quantitative Analytics at Pandora

Rhonda Crate

Principal Data Scientist, ATF at Boeing and Adjunct Professor at WSU

Molecular biologist turned public school teacher who eventually fell in love with non-profit data science. Harvard SDP, Datanaut, and perpetual #rstats noob.