Interactive Reporting

In a static report, you answer known questions. With a dynamic report, you give the reader the tools to answer their own questions.

Interactive Reporting

April 14, 2016

In a static report, you answer known questions. With a dynamic report, you give the reader the tools to answer their own questions. Get started by learning how to make your R Markdown documents interactive, and then unleash the full flexibility of analytic app development with shiny.

  • Embedding Shiny Apps in R Markdown documents – Garrett Grolemund
  • Shiny: R made interactive – Joe Cheng
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About the speakers

Garrett is the author of Hands-On Programming with R and co-author of R for Data Science and R Markdown: The Definitive Guide. He is a Data Scientist at RStudio and holds a Ph.D. in Statistics, but specializes in teaching. He’s taught people how to use R at over 50 government agencies, small businesses, and multi-billion dollar global companies; and he’s designed RStudio’s training materials for R, Shiny, R Markdown and more. Garrett wrote the popular lubridate package for dates and times in R and creates the RStudio cheatsheets.

Joe Cheng is the Chief Technology Officer at RStudio and was the original creator of the Shiny web framework, and continues to work on packages at the intersection of R and the web.