RStudio Cloud in the Classroom

Much has been written in the statistics and data science education literature about pedagogical tools and approaches to provide a practical computational foundation for students.
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RStudio Cloud in the Classroom

June 12, 2019

Much has been written in the statistics and data science education literature about pedagogical tools and approaches to provide a practical computational foundation for students. However a common friction point for getting students (and faculty) started with computing is installation and setup. Circumventing the installation step early in the course by having students access R and RStudio in the cloud can minimize frustration and improve buy in. RStudio Cloud is a lightweight and easy to set up / use solution to this problem. In this webinar we will walk you through the steps of setting up your course on RStudio Cloud, highlighting the various functionalities for teachers and students. We will also discuss best practices and provide an opportunity for the audience to experience the setup first hand. Additionally, we highlight a suite of ready to use resources for teaching an introduction to data science and statistical thinking course using R.


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About the speaker

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

Professional Educator and Data Scientist

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel is Professional Educator and Data Scientist at RStudio as well as Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematics at University of Edinburgh (on leave from Department of Statistical Science at Duke University). Mine’s work focuses on innovation in statistics and data science pedagogy, with an emphasis on computing, reproducible research, student-centered learning, and open-source education as well as pedagogical approaches for enhancing retention of women and under-represented minorities in STEM. Mine works on integrating computation into the undergraduate statistics curriculum, using reproducible research methodologies and analysis of real and complex datasets. She also organizes ASA DataFest and works on the OpenIntro project. She is also the creator and maintainer of and she teaches the popular Statistics with R MOOC on Coursera.