Use JavaScript visualization libraries at the R console

HTMLwidgets are always hosted within an R package and include all of the source code for their dependencies. This is to ensure that code which depends on widgets doesn’t require an internet connection or the ongoing availability of an internet service to run.

Use JavaScript visualization libraries at the R console

March 11, 2015

HTMLwidgets are always hosted within an R package and include all of the source code for their dependencies. This is to ensure that code which depends on widgets doesn’t require an internet connection or the ongoing availability of an internet service to run. Leaflet and DataTables are two fantastic packages that take advantage of the htmlwidgets framework. Using Leaflet and Data Tables as examples this webinar will show you how to use JavaScript visualization libraries at the R console, just like plots. We will also embed widgets in an R Markdown document and a Shiny web application. If we have time we will also show you that by following a small set of easy-to-follow conventions, it is easy to create your own htmlwidgets. Understanding htmlwidgets and how you can leverage packages like Leaflet and Data Tables will help you create stunning visualizations that are interactive and compelling, but most of all - require very little code.

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About the speaker

Yihui Xie is a software engineer at RStudio. He earned his PhD from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University. He is interested in interactive statistical graphics and statistical computing. As an active R user, he has authored several R packages, such as knitr, bookdown, blogdown, xaringan, tinytex, rolldown, animation, DT, tufte, formatR, fun, xfun, mime, highr, servr, and Rd2roxygen. He also co-authored a few other R packages, including shiny, rmarkdown, rticles, and leaflet. He has authored two books, “Dynamic Documents with knitr” (Xie 2015), and “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown” (Xie 2016), and co-authored two books, “blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown” (Xie, Hill, and Thomas 2017), and “R Markdown: The Definitive Guide” (Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund 2018).